Monday, November 12, 2012

The World is Too Hot!

Fossils on Fossils on Fossils
After reading an article about a past era of overheating and mass extinction, Xue and I were afraid of the future of the world, but also inspired. We wrote some limericks for your enjoyment about global warming and environmental conservation and stewardship. The article should receive more attention overall, since it shows that global warming is not a one-time result of our mistakes but rather a cyclical event that could happen again if no major change is made. We hate to get too preachy about the environment, but it's really a problem that deserves a lot of recognition and action. Do something!

Since magazine and newspaper articles tend to have very formulaic and structured ways of talking about discoveries and events, we decided to break from that norm. Even though we're blogging about magazines and newspapers and aren't limited by their structures, we want to provide our readers with responses that truly discuss the meat of the articles. However, everyone needs a break from academia at times and we figured this article could benefit from some creative reactions.

Long, long ago, the earth became too hot
Life died out like in a giant soup pot
Now the earth has regrown
Many new seeds were sown
If we don’t act now the world could be for not

At the end-Permian event
Everything got too hot when the CO2 was spent
By studying tiny fossils found in the southern China sea
Researchers found that temperatures reached 104 degrees
So we need to remember this Earth is only for rent

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